“How the Pandemic Reshaped the Estate Planning Landscape”

How the Pandemic Reshaped the Estate Planning Landscape,” by Kalimah White, Advisor Magazine


“To put it simply, whereas once people were most worried about troubles close to home, today, they are most focused on threats that come from the outside and which, in many cases, are beyond their control. In 2018, for instance, less than 8 percent of respondents mentioned longer life and rising health costs as a key concern. In 2021, that number was 22 percent, roughly three times higher. Political conflict in Washington was mentioned four times as often this year as it was two years ago. On the flip side, family conflict, which was cited by 47 percent of respondents in 2019, was listed by only 10 percent this year.”



LTC Comment, Stephen A. Moses, President, Center for Long-Term Care Reform:

Only 22% worry about living longer and rising health costs while four times as many worry about political conflict? My advice: “worry more.”