Now is the time for your clients to be thinking about buying life insurance

Gerber Life's LIAM image - Kelly Rowland (2021)

September is Life Insurance Awareness Month. This year, Life Happens is collaborating with singer, songwriter, producer and humanitarian Kelly Rowland for LIAM. By partnering with Life Happens as LIAM spokesperson, Kelly wants to help Americans get the knowledge they need to take action with life insurance through this year’s theme: With life insurance, I’ve got you.

Now is the time to be speaking to your clients and prospects about the need for life insurance and educating them on how it can protect loved ones if the unexpected should happen.

As you discuss your clients’ life insurance needs, remember that Gerber Life has an array of permanent, whole life insurance products that can help them put protection in place to support the people they care about.

To help you spread the word to your clients and prospects, we have included a special consumer flyer from Life Happens for your use that features Kelly Rowland.

Download Consumer Flyer Here


IMPORTANT NOTE:  You cannot change the contents of this flyer and must use it exactly as depicted in the link. You can download the flyer and send it to your clients and prospects until December 31, 2021.
Life insurance from Gerber Life can help your clients and prospects protect their loved ones so they can feel confident in saying, “With life insurance, I’ve got you.” Help bring peace of mind to your clients and prospects during Life Insurance Awareness Month.

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