“How HSA savings can be used for long-term care in retirement”

How HSA savings can be used for long-term care in retirement,” by Steve Christenson, Employee Benefit News

“The cost of healthcare for a married couple during retirement is estimated to range from $250,000 to $400,000. HSA owners can use their HSA savings for qualified medical expenses at any age, but let’s consider a few ways to use these assets in retirement (after turning age 65) and how they are taxed. … Here are a few services that can be paid with HSA savings.

  • Payments for in-patient hospital care
  • Payments for residential nursing home care for medical reasons (If the main reason for this type of care is not medical, then only the medical expenses are qualified)
  • In-home nursing services connected with patient care”

LTC Comment (from Stephen A. Moses, Administrative Coordinator, Center for Long-Term Care Reform):

Click through to the article for the restrictions and caveats.

How HSA savings can be used for long-term care in retirement
