Filling The Gaps: The Role And Value Of Supplemental Benefits In Medicare Advantage,” by Allison Rizer and Laura Benzing, Health Affairs


“While important debate continues on the value of managed care generally, beneficiaries are overwhelmingly satisfied with Medicare Advantage, enrollment in the program is increasing year over year, and participating managed care plans are offering a rapidly growing array of new and innovative benefits. These innovative benefits are a key feature of the Medicare Advantage program that differentiates it from traditional Medicare and a key reason for the program’s popularity among Medicare beneficiaries. As policy makers debate the future role of private Medicare plans, they need to take into consideration the preferences of Medicare beneficiaries and build on current innovations, such as supplemental benefits.”


LTC Comment, Stephen A. Moses, President, Center for Long-Term Care Reform:

Imagine that! A program that takes “into consideration the preferences of Medicare beneficiaries.” May be a first. But are those supplemental benefits steak or just sizzle?