“FAQs on Medicare Coverage and Costs Related to COVID-19 Testing and Treatment”

FAQs on Medicare Coverage and Costs Related to COVID-19 Testing and Treatment,” by Juliette Cubanski and Meredith Freed, Kaiser Family Foundation


“More than 60 million people ages 65 and older and younger adults with long-term disabilities are covered by Medicare. Due to their older age and higher likelihood of having serious medical conditions than younger adults, virtually all Medicare beneficiaries are at greater risk of becoming seriously ill if they are infected with the new coronavirus that causes COVID-19. COVID-19 is an infectious respiratory disease, which currently has no vaccine or cure. Diagnosis of COVID-19 is confirmed through testing, and treatment varies based on the severity of illness. These FAQs review current policies for Medicare coverage and costs associated with testing and treatment for COVID-19.”



LTC Comment (from Stephen A. Moses, President, Center for Long-Term Care Reform):

In case you’re asked.