The need for short-term care may be greater than you think...
Learn how GTL's Recover Cash can help protect your clients
from out-of-pocket medical expenses.

•   $50 - $300 daily benefit levels
•   Maximum benefit periods of
100, 200, or 300 days

•   Benefits begin immedicately
with 0-day Elimination Period

•   Issue ages 40 - 84
•   Optional Compound
Increasing Inflation
Protection Rider

•   10% spousal discount

Guarantee Trust Life Insurance Company
1275 Milwaukee Avenue  |  Glenview, IL 60025

800-323-6907  |

FOR AGENT USE ONLY - Cannot be distributed to the public or used in any consumer solicitation. This Policy does not provide Long-term care insurance coverage and is not a Long-term care insurance policy or a Connecticut Partnership for Long-Term Care insurance policy. It is not tax qualified and does not provide asset protection. Recover CashR, Short-Term Care Indemnity insurance is issued on Policy Form Series G1700-CT by Guarantee Trust Life Insurance Company. Certain exclusions and limitations may apply. For cost and complete details of coverage, please refer to the outline of coverage.