“Clichés about only being as old as you feel are starting to have scientific backing”

Clichés about only being as old as you feel are starting to have scientific backing,” by Marlene Cimons, Washington Post


“One study, for example, found that as people get older, they consistently say they feel younger — much younger — than their actual age. Another study examining the attitudes of the offspring of centenarians concluded that the centenarians’ children — if they, too, were healthy and long-lived — have a strong sense of purpose and meaning to their lives, compared with the general population. Finally, there is evidence that positive attitudes about aging may reduce the risk of dementia, among the most dreaded consequences of aging. … The APOE E4 carriers with positive beliefs about aging had a 2.7 percent risk of developing dementia, compared to a 6.1 percent risk for carriers with negative beliefs, according to the study. (Twenty-six percent of the study participants were carriers.)”

LTC Comment (from Stephen A. Moses, President, Center for Long-Term Care Reform): Think, feel, be young; easier said than done; but better done than not.

Clichés about only being as old as you feel are starting to have scientific backing
