Care Solutions News

Product News

Changes to Asset-Care® in California launching on July 25
OneAmerica is committed to the asset-based long-term care market and to offering products that bring value to both our agents and their clients. To maintain the viability of Asset-Care® in California and continue offering it until the enhanced product is available in this state, we are making key updates starting July 25.
Coming soon: Asset Care quotes are getting an upgrade
Your Asset Care quote outputs will soon be much easier to understand. We heard your feedback, and we’re adding a page to Asset Care quotes that breaks down premium values and potential tax deductions, helps you understand our rounding procedures, and offers clarity on how to follow our application system. Watch for more details in July!

Tools and resources

Build client connections with our new Asset Care tool
There’s a new digital selling tool coming soon for Asset Care! Our new multimedia site is currently on its way through state filing. Once launched, this site will provide a new, interactive way to attract and educate customers on long-term care protection from OneAmerica. Stay tuned for more!
More annual statements coming to OSO in 2020
Did you know you can find many annual statements on OneSource Online? Currently, about half of our annual statements — primarily for Care Solutions products — are available on OneSource Online. From June through September of 2020, the remaining statements will be added. You can find available annual statements in Policy Detail, by clicking the link next to Policy Statement. Watch for more information and the addition of more annual statements to OSO this year!
