Advantage Plus Upgrade Now Available in Washington!

The Advantage Plus® upgrade is now available in Washington on Paper, Portal, Windows 10 App, and the e-App!

Download/Update for Apple
Download/Update for Android


New Base Plan Options

Up to $750 per day hospitalization benefit
for new 3-day and 6-day benefit periods

New 1-day benefit period – benefit between $1,000 and $2,500.

Ambulance Rider Upgrade

Choice from $50 – $400 per ambulance ride per day benefit, up to 4
times per year, lifetime max of 12 trips, air ambulance coverage included,
and no hospital confinement required.

Skilled Nursing Rider

$100, $150, $200 per day for days 1-50.

More Accessible Coverage

Lookback for past inpatient hospital, nursing home or home health care confinement stays now reduced to 6 months.



Advantage Plus Upgrade Now Available in Washington!
