WI Outline Correction

The new Wisconsin United World outline effective June 3, 2017, contained incorrect rates for the male non-tobacco – Part B Excess Rider (OPC4W) on page 15. Also the Part B Copay/Coinsurance Rider (0PC5W) premium now appears as a negative number to reflect that this is a premium reduction. These corrections have been made to the outline.

The application book has been updated with the corrected outline. Any orders placed for the Wisconsin application book on or after July 12, 2017, will contain the corrected outline and will have a Print Date 07/12/2017.

Marketing Materials:
The marketing materials have been updated as indicated:

State Form Form Number Replaces
WI Outline WI_UW_AGY_071217 WI_UW_AGY_060217R
App Book MAP550_WI
Print Date 07/12/17
Print Date 05/31/17

For your convenience, the above link provides you with the corrected Medicare supplement outline of coverage. Materials are available to view/download immediately from SPA in the Forms and Materials section and the app book is available to order through your normal channels.

If you have any questions, please Mutual of Omaha’s Sales Support at (800) 693-6083.

WI Outline Correction
